Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries announced a newly formed partnership with Christian Adoption Services. Christian Adoption Services is a ministry of Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina and provides Foster-to-Adopt services, domestic and international adoption services.

From the left: Christian Adoption Services Sr. Director of Adoptions Kevin Qualls, Connie Maxwell President William D. Nicholson II, and Baptist Children’s Homes Chief Operating Officer J. Keith Henry.
On a recent visit to the Connie Maxwell Greenwood campus, leaders from both organizations reflected on how this might be one of the first partnerships between Baptist ministries across state lines.
“It’s a good symbolic way of saying we are all one body, we are all one spirit,” said Connie Maxwell President William D. Nicholson II. “I like the word compassion more than competition. In the future, we may do this ourselves, but for right now, this is perfect. We get to help children together.”
When new families reach out to Connie Maxwell to inquire about adoption services, they will be referred to a Christian Adoption Services representative located in South Carolina. Likewise, when families in South Carolina decide they want to foster, Christian Adoption Services will refer those families to Connie Maxwell.
Christian Adoption Services Sr. Director of Adoptions Kevin Qualls explained, “Families who come into the program may initially say that they want to foster and end up adopting, or they may say they want to adopt and end up fostering. Either way, we see this partnership as a win-win for both ministries since it provides a continuum of care for the children.”
Adoption is a subject that is very close to Nicholson’s heart. He never misses a moment to share his gratitude for his parents, who adopted him when he was abandoned at a hospital after birth.
“Adoption saved my life,” said Nicholson. “Where would I be today if I wouldn’t have received the nurturing and love in my life that my parents provided? I have a deep appreciation for the fact that somebody adopted me and gave me a home.”
Nicholson is thankful that we can connect more people with the opportunity to adopt through this new partnership. “In the end, a kid gets a home. It doesn’t matter how,” said Nicholson.
Christian Adoption Services Director of Development Mike Blackwood agreed, saying, “I’m really excited about South Carolina and what can happen over the next few years. I’m thrilled about the opportunity to connect with Connie Maxwell and serve both of our ministries together.”