Our Family Care program equips single mothers from all walks of life with the support they need to allow them to focus on resolving their individual crisis and temporary family instability. No two stories are the same, that’s why our plan is very personalized on the individual and what they need to move towards a life of independence.

Our goal is to restore families with hope, comfort, and shelter while they move towards independent living.

Faith. Family. Future. It’s what we do.
It starts with faith. We know that Christ is the ultimate healer and can make beauty from ashes. There is no person too broken for Him to heal. While you explore your faith, you have a family here at Connie Maxwell to walk with you towards a brighter future.
We understand how difficult life can be sometimes. That’s why we are here to walk along beside you and help provide the resources you need to make positive changes in your life for yourself, and your family.
Life skills classes and parenting workshops are provided
Financial education is provided
Spiritual guidance
Support is provided during the transition to independent living
Aftercare services are provided for up to 12 months
Individualized goal setting, as well as counseling, and vocational services provided

Want to learn more about our Family Care program?
If you are interested in learning more about our family care program, we encourage you to give us a call at (864) 942-1435 or (864) 942-1400. We also invite you to complete our family care inquiry form below.