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Why training?

Have you ever wondered how to sensitively connect with children and adults from hard backgrounds? Could your church utilize training to identify challenging behaviors in children they minister to and promote healing instead of harm?


Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries understands the importance of trauma-informed care when encountering these areas. These trauma-informed trainings, designed for programs already established, can help those serving in communities where children and families are from hard places.


At no cost, these Christ-centered, trauma-informed trainings provide leaders and volunteers with different techniques that meet their relational needs.

Who can benefit from this training?

  • Kids ministry volunteers
  • Youth volunteers
  • Teachers
  • After-school and daycare workers
  • Family ministers
  • Foster and adoptive parents
  • And more!

“TBRI Training was exactly what our volunteers needed to reach our kids where they are and give them the skills to be their best self. It showed us ways to really correct, connect, and empower each child. I am truly thankful for the practical tips that our team received through TBRI, we are able to see an incredible difference in those we reach.”   — Shannon Mountz, Newspring Church Greenwood


Intro to Chirst-Centered Trauma-Informed Care

We use “hard places” to describe children whose backgrounds may have experienced trauma. Trauma can be described as the consequences of early and recurring trauma and loss experienced within a child’s significant relationships, typically occurring in early life.

This trauma-informed training is an hour and a half, designed for groups or individuals. This is a great option for a group that is just getting started in the process of learning more about working with families and children with trauma.  

TBRI® Caregiver Training

We offer both a half-day TBRI® Introduction and Overview training and a full-day TBRI® Caregiver Training training.

TBRI® is an attachment-based, evidence-based, and trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI® uses Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connect Principles for attachment needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors.

The TBRI® Introduction and Overview is a half-day training. As an overview, this module is designed to expose you to all parts of TBRI® by highlighting the ways in which each section of the intervention strategy fits into the holistic nature of TBRI.

The full-day TBRI® Caregiver Training, designed for groups or individuals, is encouraged for foster and adoptive parents and professionals who consistently work with kids from hard places.

“TBRI helped me to look at myself and my strengths and weaknesses, think about my own childhood and really notice what situations were triggering me and why. It also explained the nuisances of having clear and firm boundaries while remaining connected.” — Teresa, Foster Parent

Request a trainer.

Awareness and education are the first steps in transformational foster care ministry.
Whether it is a Lunch and Learn, a Foster Care Information Table set up after your worship service, or training for your children’s ministry volunteers or groups that support foster families, we love equipping the local church for foster ministry!


Tana Dukes

Lowcountry Director of Foster Care

About Tana

Tana Dukes is the Lowcountry Director of Foster Care at Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Social Work from Florida State University and an LMSW in the State of South Carolina. Tana has worked in Child Welfare in some capacity for over a decade and, in 2022, became a TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention) Practitioner. TBRI® is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. Tana resides in Charleston, SC, with her husband and two children.

Host an informational event.

Let us come to you to help cast a vision for a dynamic trauma-informed care ministry at your church. We love equipping the local church for foster ministry! Here are some ideas for your event:

    • Host a Lunch and Learn
    • Have a foster care information table set up after your worship service
    • Host a training event for your children’s ministry volunteers or groups that support foster families
    • Lead a foster or adoption ministry


To learn more about TBRI®, watch this informational video. We offer information on how to engage your church with foster care through speaker events, lunch and learns, and foster care information tables. You can also find more information on foster care at Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries here.