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She Let Me Wear Her Pearls

By June 3, 2019January 20th, 2022PRESIDENT'S BLOG


It was a beautiful summer morning…

On May 22, 2019, Connie Maxwell staff, children, friends, and family met at the Prayer Garden between the church and the cemetery to celebrate the 127th birthday of Connie Maxwell Children’s Home.

As the birds sang and the sunshine touched our shoulders, we experienced a worship service that featured two of our alums, Nick and Ruth Compton sharing their testimonies, Miller Murphy leading us in a reflective devotion of God’s faithfulness, and Doug Kauffmann explaining the meaningful legacy behind the Prayer Garden where we stood.

The moment that most inspired me was when Ruth Compton, a Connie Maxwell alum who is now 88 years old, told the story of an enduring memory of her beloved house mother. As Ruth shared her testimony, she spoke of her “Connie Maxwell Mom” in glowing terms of endearment. She remembered, with tears in her eyes, about the woman who nurtured her and loved her into wholeness. She recollected vividly, the night she was preparing to go to prom which is a big night in the life of any young lady!!

After getting dressed, putting on her make-up, and enjoying the preparation of this very special night, her house mother came to her and handed her something very special. Ruth said that she opened her hands and there before her very eyes was the most beautiful pearl necklace she had ever seen.

The house mother said, “I want you to wear my pearls to the Prom.”

Overjoyed and touched deeply, Ruth said she leaned over while she place the beautiful pearls around her neck.

Then Ruth said,

“She let me Wear her Pearls.” 

That’s the love of Connie Maxwell!!

The pearls must have made her feel beautiful. No doubt, they made her feel loved.

I’m sure Ruth will never forget that moment.

As the final words of the Benediction for the 127th birthday party were spoken and the church bells rang from the steeple, we broke out in a song that echoed across the beautiful green field that lies like a blanket in front of Connie Maxwell Baptist Church,

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise Him all creatures here below,

Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host,

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
